Welcome to Our Lady of the Angels.
We are honoured that you are considering us as educational partners in your family's journey.
Our school motto, ‘Faith seeking understanding’ speaks to the heart of our school. We are a community of seekers, grounded in our Catholic faith as we grow our understanding of today’s world.
At Our Lady of the Angels, our students receive comprehensive learning experiences. Our balanced curriculum, taught by expert teachers, is engaging, challenging and fun.
Throughout their educational journey, we celebrate your child's achievements and support them in reaching their academic and personal potential.
Take a walk through Our Lady of the Angels and you'll encounter our vibrant, student-centred spaces that encourage study and play. You will also experience our positive school culture where every person is known and valued.
Our Catholic faith lights the way as we guide your child's development. We are blessed to have our church on the same grounds as the school. As a parish school, we actively participate in social, spiritual and formative experiences throughout the school year.
I look forward to welcoming you to our school.
Tony Calabria
Welcome to Our Lady of the Angels.

Our difference
Our learning community has so much to offer your child! Discover all the benefits of a Our Lady of the Angels education.
Our dedicated teachers
Our dedicated teaching staff are committed to transforming the lives of every student, every day.
The learning journey
With a strong focus on learning how to learn, our school puts the growth of each individual child at the heart of schooling. Our Lady of the Angels is a place of wonder, exploration and endless possibilities.